Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Campaign promise kept!

Done--it feels good to finally keep a promise. There's more to do, but it's a start. The short version: this book covers the Stranger arc from The Zone, and is the beginning of my effort to finish Atrophy. I also have settled on how I'm going to re-release all of the original serials. (Though I'm not making promises or setting dates for that yet.) 

Atrophy is back in business. Check my site for details on how to buy/read this--there will be a giveaway this month, and it's on Kindle Unlimited, so there are some free options. Thanks for hanging in there. 

PS: I really, really don't plan to update this blog anymore. For future Atrophy/Zone stuff, you definitely want to be checking my main site: www.seandanker.com

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, July 16, 2020

2020 Update

So it's been a few years because all my updates have been at www.seandanker.com, and I really don't check here anymore.

Here's the deal:

Right now I plan in 2020 to begin the process of re-releasing and finishing the Atrophy series--it will have some changes, but also some improvements. That process will begin with a new novel that will condense the events of The Zone/The Way Home to fit with the rest of the continuity. With the way things are going, I think it will be toward the end of the year, but I'm hoping for October/November.

My priority is to get Atrophy taken care of. After that, I am open to re-releasing all the original serials (sanitized) in some manner.

I do apologize for the very clumsy handling of all this over the years; it's been busy on my end, and I'm sorry. I'm working hard on trying to make it right.

Thanks for reading.

www.seandanker.com has my social media information and everything else.